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Code for the paper: Cross-platform transcriptional profiling identifies common and distinct molecular pathologies in Lewy body diseases


This repository contains analysis code for the publication found here, which applied paired bulk-tissue and single-nucleus RNA-sequencing to anterior cingulate cortex samples derived from 28 individuals, including healthy controls and Lewy body disease cases.

Analyses were shared between two groups, thus code herein relates to:

Code used to process and analyse single-nucleus RNA-sequencing data and to generate H-MAGMA outputs is available here.


If you use any of the code or data from this repository, please cite our paper.


The code published here, and in the associated GitHub repository, is released under an MIT license. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful to the wider community, but without any warranty of any kind. Please see the LICENSE file for more details.

Code contents

For a complete overview of all analyses conducted, please click here.


If you spot any bugs in this code or run into any faulty links, please raise an issue on the associated GitHub repository.