Aims: Using SRP058181 (i) determine effect of covariate correction on gene expression and (ii) determine whether a PC axis can be correlated with changes in the proportions of more than one cell-type.
source(here::here("R", "file_paths.R"))
to convert such SummarisedExperiment objects. However, metadata in the summarised experiment does not include columns for sample characteristics including PMI, RIN, <-
dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds)
# Design formula
## ~Disease_Group
# Remove SRR2015746 (C0061), due to uncertainty re. sex
dds <- dds[, dds$recount_id != "SRR2015746"]
# dds <- dds[, dds$Source != "HBSFRC"]
# Filter genes such that only genes with a minimum count of 1 across 100% of samples in each group are retained
filter_count <- DEGreport::degFilter(counts = counts(dds),
metadata =,
group = "Disease_Group",
min = 1, # All samples in group must have more than expr > 0
minreads = 0)
cat("Genes in final count matrix: ", nrow(filter_count))
## Genes in final count matrix: 27357
filter_dds <- dds[rownames(filter_count),]
colData(filter_dds) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::group_by(Source, Disease_Group) %>%
dplyr::summarise(n = n())
!colnames(colData(filter_dds)) %in%
c("Lewy_Body_pathology", "ApoE", "Cause_of_death",
"proportion_of_reads_reported_by_sra_downloaded", "paired_end",
"sra_misreported_paired_end", "Motor_onset", "Disease_duration")]
function from DESeq2
used to apply a variance-stabilising transformation. This transformation is roughly similar to putting the data on the log2 scale, while also dealing with the sampling variability of low counts. See Regularized logarithm transformation from DESeq2 paper for more thorough explanation. N.B. The vst
function corrects for library size.vst
transformation has the option of being blinded to experimental design when estimating dispersion. By setting blind = FALSE
, vst
will use the design formula to calculate within-group variability, and if blind = TRUE
it will calculate the across-all-sample variability. It does not use the design to remove variation in the data. Thus, it will not remove variation that can be associated with batch or other covariates.vsd <- vst(object = filter_dds,
blind = FALSE # not blind to experimental design
sampleDists <- vsd %>%
assay() %>%
t() %>% # Transpose transformed count matrix, such that samples now rows.
dist(method = "euclidean") # Compute distances between rows of the matrix i.e. sample-to-sample distance
sampleDistMatrix <- sampleDists %>%
as.matrix() # Convert to matrix
rownames(sampleDistMatrix) <- str_c(vsd$Disease_Group, ", ", vsd$Source)
colnames(sampleDistMatrix) <- NULL
pheatmap <- pheatmap(sampleDistMatrix,
col= viridis(n = 20),
main = "Heatmap: uncorrected data")
pca_vsd <- prcomp(t(assay(vsd)))
tibble(PC = c(1:72),
sdev = pca_vsd$sdev) %>%
dplyr::mutate(d = sdev^2,
pev = d/sum(d),
cev = cumsum(d)/sum(d))
ggarrange(pcascree(pca_vsd, type = "pev") + theme_rhr,
pcascree(pca_vsd, type = "cev") + theme_rhr,
nrow = 2,
labels = c("a", "b"))
Figure 2.1: Plot of (a) the proportion of variance explained by each PC and (b) the cumulative proportion of variance explained with the addition of each PC.
# Source function correlate PCs
source(here::here("R", "correlatePCs.R"))
PC_corr <- correlatePCs(pcaobj = pca_vsd,
coldata = colData(vsd) %>% %>%
dplyr::select(Disease_Group, Age_at_death, PMI, RIN, Braak_score,mapped_read_count, contains("_proportion")),
pcs = 1:72)
# Some proportions so highly correlated that p-value = 0
# Replace these 0s with p-value lower than minimum of 1.6E-9
PC_corr_FDR_uncorrected <- PC_corr$pvalue %>%
as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate(PC = str_c("PC_", c(1:72))) %>%
tidyr::gather(key = covariate, value = p, -PC) %>%
dplyr::mutate(p = case_when(p == 0 ~ 1 * 10^-12,
TRUE ~ p),
FDR = p.adjust(p, method = "fdr"))
PC_corr_FDR_mat <- PC_corr_FDR_uncorrected %>%
dplyr::select(-p) %>%
tidyr::spread(key = covariate, value = FDR) %>%
dplyr::mutate(PC_number = str_replace(PC, "PC_", "") %>%
as.numeric()) %>%
dplyr::arrange(PC_number) %>%
dplyr::select(-PC_number, -PC) %>%
PC_corr_FDR_mat <- PC_corr_FDR_mat[, match(colnames(PC_corr$statistic), colnames(PC_corr_FDR_mat))]
rownames(PC_corr_FDR_mat) <- PC_corr_FDR_uncorrected %>% .[["PC"]] %>% unique()
heatmap.2(x = -log10(PC_corr_FDR_mat[1:40,]) %>% t(),
Colv = NA,
Rowv = NA,
dendrogram = "none",
col = viridis(n = 50),
trace = "none", = "none",
key = TRUE,
key.xlab = "-log10(FDR-corrected p-value)",
cexRow = 0.65, cexCol = 0.65)
Figure 2.2: Heatmap of significance of (cor)relations between PCA scores (only first 40) and sample covariates. Significance computed using Kruskal-Wallis for categorical variables and the cor.test based on Spearman's correlation for continuous variables. P-values were FDR-corrected.
Start by correcting for same covariates as used in original study without cell-type proportions
blind = FALSE
in vst
does not remove variation due to confounding covariates, this will have to be done using limma::removeBatchEffect
, which removes any shifts in the log2-scale expression data that can be explained by confounders.scale()
function is used to ensure that overall mean expression of each gene (i.e. as calculated with rowMeans()
) remains unaffected by limma::removeBatchEffect
. In general, scale()
is also recommended as it ensures variables that are measured in different scales (e.g. age of death vs RIN) are comparable.vsd_covar <- vst(filter_dds,
blind = FALSE)
# Current design
## ~Disease_Group
# Change design
design(filter_dds) <- ~ Age_at_death + PMI + RIN + Disease_Group
## ~Age_at_death + PMI + RIN + Disease_Group
# Batch correcting and filtering vsd data
design <- model.matrix(design(filter_dds), data = colData(filter_dds))
## (Intercept) Age_at_death PMI RIN Disease_GroupPD Disease_GroupPDD
## SRR2015713 1 73 2 7.7 0 0
## SRR2015714 1 91 2 7.9 0 0
## SRR2015715 1 82 2 8.6 0 0
## SRR2015716 1 97 2 9.1 0 0
## SRR2015717 1 86 5 8.6 0 0
## SRR2015718 1 91 2 8.7 0 0
## SRR2015719 1 81 3 6.0 0 0
## SRR2015720 1 79 2 8.4 0 0
## SRR2015721 1 63 2 6.5 0 0
## SRR2015722 1 66 19 7.1 0 0
## SRR2015723 1 69 15 7.8 0 0
## SRR2015724 1 79 21 8.0 0 0
## SRR2015725 1 61 10 8.2 0 0
## SRR2015726 1 58 20 8.4 0 0
## SRR2015727 1 70 21 8.2 0 0
## SRR2015728 1 66 17 8.5 0 0
## SRR2015729 1 73 19 7.5 0 0
## SRR2015730 1 60 24 7.9 0 0
## SRR2015731 1 76 26 7.3 0 0
## SRR2015732 1 61 17 7.8 0 0
## SRR2015733 1 62 18 6.6 0 0
## SRR2015734 1 69 26 8.7 0 0
## SRR2015735 1 61 25 8.1 0 0
## SRR2015736 1 88 11 7.1 0 0
## SRR2015737 1 93 13 6.4 0 0
## SRR2015738 1 53 24 7.3 0 0
## SRR2015739 1 57 24 8.3 0 0
## SRR2015740 1 46 21 7.6 0 0
## SRR2015741 1 57 20 7.7 0 0
## SRR2015742 1 80 15 7.3 0 0
## SRR2015743 1 74 2 8.5 0 0
## SRR2015744 1 69 2 8.4 0 0
## SRR2015745 1 76 2 7.5 0 0
## SRR2015747 1 87 2 8.7 0 0
## SRR2015748 1 86 2 8.7 0 0
## SRR2015749 1 54 24 8.3 0 0
## SRR2015750 1 68 19 6.3 0 0
## SRR2015751 1 52 23 7.4 0 0
## SRR2015752 1 46 30 8.2 0 0
## SRR2015753 1 55 26 7.6 0 0
## SRR2015754 1 57 18 7.8 0 0
## SRR2015755 1 66 32 8.4 0 0
## SRR2015756 1 64 19 8.7 0 0
## SRR2015757 1 74 3 7.2 0 1
## SRR2015758 1 83 2 7.1 0 1
## SRR2015759 1 80 2 8.5 1 0
## SRR2015760 1 83 2 7.3 0 1
## SRR2015761 1 80 2 8.4 1 0
## SRR2015762 1 84 2 6.7 0 1
## SRR2015763 1 88 2 8.1 0 1
## SRR2015764 1 81 2 5.8 1 0
## SRR2015765 1 77 4 6.1 1 0
## SRR2015766 1 64 4 8.1 1 0
## SRR2015767 1 85 3 6.1 0 1
## SRR2015768 1 94 9 6.4 1 0
## SRR2015769 1 80 27 6.5 0 1
## SRR2015770 1 85 16 6.9 1 0
## SRR2015771 1 75 7 8.0 1 0
## SRR2015772 1 74 15 7.1 1 0
## SRR2015773 1 89 31 6.1 1 0
## SRR2015774 1 66 11 7.7 1 0
## SRR2015775 1 65 8 6.8 1 0
## SRR2015776 1 85 19 6.1 1 0
## SRR2015777 1 64 4 7.8 0 1
## SRR2015778 1 64 1 6.1 1 0
## SRR2015779 1 75 30 6.9 0 1
## SRR2015780 1 68 18 7.3 0 1
## SRR2015781 1 95 16 7.0 0 1
## SRR2015782 1 74 23 7.5 1 0
## SRR2015783 1 68 23 7.9 1 0
## SRR2015784 1 79 12 6.9 1 0
## SRR2015785 1 70 25 6.7 1 0
## attr(,"assign")
## [1] 0 1 2 3 4 4
## attr(,"contrasts")
## attr(,"contrasts")$Disease_Group
## [1] "contr.treatment"
design_treatment <- design[,c("(Intercept)", "Disease_GroupPD", "Disease_GroupPDD")]
design_batch <- design[,c("Age_at_death", "PMI", "RIN")] %>%
# standardise covariates
assay(vsd_covar) <- limma::removeBatchEffect(assay(vsd_covar), design = design_treatment, covariates = design_batch)
sampleDists <- vsd_covar %>%
assay() %>%
t() %>% # Transpose transformed count matrix, such that samples now rows.
dist(method = "euclidean") # Compute distances between rows of the matrix i.e. sample-to-sample distance
sampleDistMatrix <- sampleDists %>%
as.matrix() # Convert to matrix
rownames(sampleDistMatrix) <- str_c(vsd_covar$Disease_Group, ", ", vsd_covar$Source)
colnames(sampleDistMatrix) <- NULL
pheatmap <- pheatmap(sampleDistMatrix,
col= viridis(n = 20),
main = "Heatmap: corrected by AoD, PMI and RIN")
pca_vsd_covar <- prcomp(t(assay(vsd_covar)))
ggarrange(pcascree(pca_vsd_covar, type = "pev") + theme_rhr,
pcascree(pca_vsd_covar, type = "cev") + theme_rhr,
nrow = 2,
labels = c("a", "b"))
Figure 3.1: Plot of (a) the proportion of variance explained by each PC and (b) the cumulative proportion of variance explained with the addition of each PC.
PC_corr <-
correlatePCs(pcaobj = pca_vsd_covar,
coldata = colData(vsd_covar) %>% %>%
dplyr::select(Disease_Group, Braak_score,mapped_read_count,contains("_proportion")),
pcs = 1:72)
# Replace p-values = 0, with low-pvalue
PC_corr_FDR_covar <- PC_corr$pvalue %>%
as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate(PC = str_c("PC_", c(1:72))) %>%
tidyr::gather(key = covariate, value = p, -PC) %>%
dplyr::mutate(p = case_when(p == 0 ~ 1*10^-12,
TRUE ~ p),
FDR = p.adjust(p, method = "fdr"))
PC_corr_FDR_covar %>%
dplyr::inner_join(PC_corr$statistic %>%
as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate(PC = str_c("PC_", c(1:72))) %>%
tidyr::gather(key = covariate, value = test_statistic, -PC)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(FDR) %>%
DT::datatable(rownames = FALSE,
options = list(scrollX = TRUE),
class = 'white-space: nowrap')
PC_corr_FDR_mat <- PC_corr_FDR_covar %>%
dplyr::select(-p) %>%
tidyr::spread(key = covariate, value = FDR) %>%
dplyr::mutate(PC_number = str_replace(PC, "PC_", "") %>%
as.numeric()) %>%
dplyr::arrange(PC_number) %>%
dplyr::select(-PC_number, -PC) %>%
PC_corr_FDR_mat <- PC_corr_FDR_mat[, match(colnames(PC_corr$statistic), colnames(PC_corr_FDR_mat))]
rownames(PC_corr_FDR_mat) <- PC_corr_FDR_covar %>% .[["PC"]] %>% unique()
heatmap.2(x = -log10(PC_corr_FDR_mat)[1:40,] %>% t(),
Colv = NA,
Rowv = NA,
dendrogram = "none",
col = viridis(n = 50),
trace = "none", = "none",
key = TRUE,
key.xlab = "-log10(FDR-corrected p-value)",
cexRow = 0.65, cexCol = 0.65)
Figure 3.2: Heatmap of significance of (cor)relations between PCA scores (from vst-transformed data corrected by AoD, PMI and RIN) and sample covariates. Significance computed using Kruskal-Wallis for categorical variables and the cor.test based on Spearman's correlation for continuous variables. P-values were FDR-corrected.
Correcting for covariates, including cell-type proportions.
# Get covar names
covar_colnames <- c(PC_corr_FDR_uncorrected %>%
dplyr::filter(FDR < 0.05, covariate != "Disease_Group") %>%
.[["covariate"]] %>%
unique(), "PMI")
## [1] "Age_at_death" "RIN" "Vascular_proportion"
## [4] "Astro_proportion" "OPC_proportion" "Oligo_proportion"
## [7] "Inhibitory_proportion" "Microglia_proportion" "Excitatory_proportion"
## [10] "PMI"
vsd_covar_ct <- vst(filter_dds,
blind = FALSE)
# Current design
## ~Age_at_death + PMI + RIN + Disease_Group
# Change design
design(filter_dds) <- ~ Age_at_death + PMI + RIN + Astro_proportion + Excitatory_proportion + Inhibitory_proportion + Microglia_proportion + Oligo_proportion + OPC_proportion + Vascular_proportion + Disease_Group
## ~Age_at_death + PMI + RIN + Astro_proportion + Excitatory_proportion +
## Inhibitory_proportion + Microglia_proportion + Oligo_proportion +
## OPC_proportion + Vascular_proportion + Disease_Group
# Batch correcting and filtering vsd data
design <- model.matrix(design(filter_dds), data = colData(filter_dds))
## (Intercept) Age_at_death PMI RIN Astro_proportion
## SRR2015713 1 73 2 7.7 0.317628470
## SRR2015714 1 91 2 7.9 0.144444110
## SRR2015715 1 82 2 8.6 0.264410170
## SRR2015716 1 97 2 9.1 0.133938210
## SRR2015717 1 86 5 8.6 0.082716680
## SRR2015718 1 91 2 8.7 0.301827300
## SRR2015719 1 81 3 6.0 0.004081459
## SRR2015720 1 79 2 8.4 0.264108930
## SRR2015721 1 63 2 6.5 0.293554540
## SRR2015722 1 66 19 7.1 0.025600335
## SRR2015723 1 69 15 7.8 0.186805170
## SRR2015724 1 79 21 8.0 0.269654270
## SRR2015725 1 61 10 8.2 0.110553660
## SRR2015726 1 58 20 8.4 0.069511300
## SRR2015727 1 70 21 8.2 0.166278260
## SRR2015728 1 66 17 8.5 0.096365480
## SRR2015729 1 73 19 7.5 0.303567680
## SRR2015730 1 60 24 7.9 0.017056694
## SRR2015731 1 76 26 7.3 0.191778260
## SRR2015732 1 61 17 7.8 0.033671357
## SRR2015733 1 62 18 6.6 0.243732440
## SRR2015734 1 69 26 8.7 0.224252780
## SRR2015735 1 61 25 8.1 0.052709340
## SRR2015736 1 88 11 7.1 0.232266560
## SRR2015737 1 93 13 6.4 0.305767830
## SRR2015738 1 53 24 7.3 0.030169912
## SRR2015739 1 57 24 8.3 0.071914020
## SRR2015740 1 46 21 7.6 0.008273732
## SRR2015741 1 57 20 7.7 0.016609421
## SRR2015742 1 80 15 7.3 0.145583400
## SRR2015743 1 74 2 8.5 0.100300690
## SRR2015744 1 69 2 8.4 0.117336130
## SRR2015745 1 76 2 7.5 0.264845280
## SRR2015747 1 87 2 8.7 0.097025365
## SRR2015748 1 86 2 8.7 0.347456960
## SRR2015749 1 54 24 8.3 0.079489390
## SRR2015750 1 68 19 6.3 0.277366040
## SRR2015751 1 52 23 7.4 0.197652460
## SRR2015752 1 46 30 8.2 0.008366320
## SRR2015753 1 55 26 7.6 0.086838510
## SRR2015754 1 57 18 7.8 0.005911213
## SRR2015755 1 66 32 8.4 0.087293840
## SRR2015756 1 64 19 8.7 0.032967526
## SRR2015757 1 74 3 7.2 0.208997730
## SRR2015758 1 83 2 7.1 0.329267050
## SRR2015759 1 80 2 8.5 0.115616400
## SRR2015760 1 83 2 7.3 0.146002870
## SRR2015761 1 80 2 8.4 0.239067510
## SRR2015762 1 84 2 6.7 0.252657380
## SRR2015763 1 88 2 8.1 0.199928920
## SRR2015764 1 81 2 5.8 0.232121900
## SRR2015765 1 77 4 6.1 0.266157450
## SRR2015766 1 64 4 8.1 0.171510500
## SRR2015767 1 85 3 6.1 0.026376536
## SRR2015768 1 94 9 6.4 0.470961120
## SRR2015769 1 80 27 6.5 0.183678460
## SRR2015770 1 85 16 6.9 0.359981630
## SRR2015771 1 75 7 8.0 0.173112700
## SRR2015772 1 74 15 7.1 0.303035400
## SRR2015773 1 89 31 6.1 0.289158430
## SRR2015774 1 66 11 7.7 0.247226250
## SRR2015775 1 65 8 6.8 0.343444260
## SRR2015776 1 85 19 6.1 0.075658350
## SRR2015777 1 64 4 7.8 0.246304970
## SRR2015778 1 64 1 6.1 0.183992010
## SRR2015779 1 75 30 6.9 0.314297080
## SRR2015780 1 68 18 7.3 0.285236030
## SRR2015781 1 95 16 7.0 0.173917060
## SRR2015782 1 74 23 7.5 0.201486830
## SRR2015783 1 68 23 7.9 0.130935480
## SRR2015784 1 79 12 6.9 0.350070400
## SRR2015785 1 70 25 6.7 0.325087160
## Excitatory_proportion Inhibitory_proportion Microglia_proportion
## SRR2015713 0.3950412600 0.0214479040 0.032719570
## SRR2015714 0.0105791320 0.0016683202 0.009936404
## SRR2015715 0.4983624000 0.0338336830 0.034877320
## SRR2015716 0.4572664500 0.0218681670 0.047339170
## SRR2015717 0.4233714000 0.0285239820 0.016753344
## SRR2015718 0.3619220300 0.0173113680 0.042988700
## SRR2015719 0.0002029018 0.0001992489 0.004930648
## SRR2015720 0.3705339400 0.0349377060 0.023475217
## SRR2015721 0.2384062600 0.0284928770 0.034085333
## SRR2015722 0.0943603500 0.0041718970 0.005621809
## SRR2015723 0.3740270000 0.0267784150 0.057285080
## SRR2015724 0.4233678300 0.0222742650 0.039071325
## SRR2015725 0.7478977000 0.0555598920 0.008909402
## SRR2015726 0.3724319000 0.0407935940 0.022795074
## SRR2015727 0.2335179400 0.0101048425 0.015968949
## SRR2015728 0.0687043740 0.3578559500 0.032157525
## SRR2015729 0.2031654600 0.0106369900 0.048579026
## SRR2015730 0.8437762000 0.0277052880 0.010424337
## SRR2015731 0.2224616400 0.0124794170 0.011109368
## SRR2015732 0.6263220000 0.0190644900 0.020182211
## SRR2015733 0.2314415400 0.0285673680 0.021781282
## SRR2015734 0.5185401400 0.0225306020 0.020285452
## SRR2015735 0.4164575600 0.0244964300 0.016492998
## SRR2015736 0.3547639000 0.0231488050 0.028515352
## SRR2015737 0.1383720600 0.0133647580 0.100518880
## SRR2015738 0.4673352200 0.0269302200 0.012242259
## SRR2015739 0.5877753000 0.0382446160 0.009284164
## SRR2015740 0.8236916700 0.0415883030 0.010140169
## SRR2015741 0.4921760600 0.0386445860 0.013094717
## SRR2015742 0.3162230000 0.0214704420 0.018812528
## SRR2015743 0.6860475500 0.0541235770 0.026304385
## SRR2015744 0.2901664000 0.0178152300 0.036035348
## SRR2015745 0.1605238200 0.0164642600 0.036441382
## SRR2015747 0.4895161000 0.0459123850 0.024905257
## SRR2015748 0.0529401940 0.0164213200 0.028230590
## SRR2015749 0.5662024600 0.0551115300 0.014810667
## SRR2015750 0.2380494500 0.0176432360 0.022530837
## SRR2015751 0.3537919200 0.0294949470 0.014853206
## SRR2015752 0.8497667300 0.0511921800 0.009488656
## SRR2015753 0.5085383700 0.0373799300 0.025945755
## SRR2015754 0.4092319000 0.0176657160 0.013677426
## SRR2015755 0.4365720700 0.0295782180 0.015748710
## SRR2015756 0.5035308000 0.0606974660 0.020453080
## SRR2015757 0.5267436000 0.0292147270 0.017173665
## SRR2015758 0.2136725800 0.0300858190 0.037622996
## SRR2015759 0.6038947700 0.0321264080 0.021231314
## SRR2015760 0.4207707300 0.0158284160 0.020312782
## SRR2015761 0.2383388700 0.0143245100 0.027999280
## SRR2015762 0.1170267240 0.0086719160 0.019031802
## SRR2015763 0.5561599000 0.0258920510 0.021742163
## SRR2015764 0.3086498000 0.0162843480 0.059743058
## SRR2015765 0.1930185100 0.0224425000 0.027352706
## SRR2015766 0.2645124000 0.0148259485 0.022638962
## SRR2015767 0.0004231346 0.0003661439 0.030453691
## SRR2015768 0.0617366900 0.0063833860 0.069979920
## SRR2015769 0.1800757600 0.0274648310 0.060583550
## SRR2015770 0.1254862700 0.0125799960 0.070164464
## SRR2015771 0.6187107600 0.0159419900 0.030258244
## SRR2015772 0.1712337300 0.0125954560 0.051837430
## SRR2015773 0.1879545500 0.0143161690 0.048937693
## SRR2015774 0.2796594500 0.0108342110 0.039777120
## SRR2015775 0.2862134300 0.0150001790 0.067998890
## SRR2015776 0.0013608827 0.0009181094 0.022617275
## SRR2015777 0.3595136400 0.0190840550 0.021304049
## SRR2015778 0.2235179500 0.0266799930 0.015409340
## SRR2015779 0.0513598200 0.0051720035 0.017739294
## SRR2015780 0.0701377300 0.0073131113 0.026312000
## SRR2015781 0.0618039260 0.0065083974 0.028345788
## SRR2015782 0.2343975300 0.0158466120 0.030232424
## SRR2015783 0.5377744400 0.0573031600 0.024340523
## SRR2015784 0.0966068400 0.0087238210 0.056345780
## SRR2015785 0.0336413200 0.0052393787 0.058059160
## Oligo_proportion OPC_proportion Vascular_proportion Disease_GroupPD
## SRR2015713 0.12396010 0.030836953 0.078365800 0
## SRR2015714 0.81347007 0.005247565 0.014654455 0
## SRR2015715 0.10298584 0.019555487 0.045975108 0
## SRR2015716 0.22854781 0.011952660 0.099087500 0
## SRR2015717 0.40411380 0.015707118 0.028813662 0
## SRR2015718 0.17815189 0.020315295 0.077483440 0
## SRR2015719 0.98590260 0.001559540 0.003123550 0
## SRR2015720 0.24052013 0.019447638 0.046976414 0
## SRR2015721 0.28737018 0.030288657 0.087802150 0
## SRR2015722 0.85846920 0.005704316 0.006072115 0
## SRR2015723 0.19716983 0.015721120 0.142213360 0
## SRR2015724 0.17168856 0.017928070 0.056015710 0
## SRR2015725 0.03296958 0.023079902 0.021029802 0
## SRR2015726 0.19942862 0.025706947 0.269332530 0
## SRR2015727 0.52511716 0.017241554 0.031771276 0
## SRR2015728 0.28296176 0.132096050 0.029858842 0
## SRR2015729 0.14575593 0.023207160 0.265087750 0
## SRR2015730 0.05542423 0.014982286 0.030630918 0
## SRR2015731 0.50628670 0.019544123 0.036340510 0
## SRR2015732 0.07786898 0.022510076 0.200380880 0
## SRR2015733 0.33241966 0.035928500 0.106129150 0
## SRR2015734 0.10112041 0.025302917 0.087967664 0
## SRR2015735 0.43528620 0.017093700 0.037463750 0
## SRR2015736 0.25288627 0.038363915 0.070055190 0
## SRR2015737 0.25132730 0.050698508 0.139950650 0
## SRR2015738 0.40801194 0.013039357 0.042271107 0
## SRR2015739 0.21429110 0.019335583 0.059155222 0
## SRR2015740 0.04325353 0.019260370 0.053792294 0
## SRR2015741 0.39316484 0.016357890 0.029952513 0
## SRR2015742 0.41500340 0.019278806 0.063628470 0
## SRR2015743 0.07539407 0.017537607 0.040292155 0
## SRR2015744 0.46196890 0.014834735 0.061843320 0
## SRR2015745 0.31758177 0.029336058 0.174807430 0
## SRR2015747 0.25519463 0.018629653 0.068816540 0
## SRR2015748 0.48558867 0.015830247 0.053532016 0
## SRR2015749 0.18753791 0.018960843 0.077887240 0
## SRR2015750 0.07160624 0.032607704 0.340196460 0
## SRR2015751 0.22320305 0.035781340 0.145223140 0
## SRR2015752 0.03400154 0.014249515 0.032935100 0
## SRR2015753 0.10689118 0.029693238 0.204713060 0
## SRR2015754 0.50385493 0.010252212 0.039406580 0
## SRR2015755 0.34900308 0.023126833 0.058677185 0
## SRR2015756 0.27517010 0.028270103 0.078910950 0
## SRR2015757 0.16821395 0.016262362 0.033394072 0
## SRR2015758 0.20460717 0.041767705 0.142976660 0
## SRR2015759 0.16120683 0.017738363 0.048185986 1
## SRR2015760 0.34659103 0.013390496 0.037103593 0
## SRR2015761 0.39820632 0.020537930 0.061525565 1
## SRR2015762 0.54711230 0.013254060 0.042245846 0
## SRR2015763 0.14764732 0.015154713 0.033474956 0
## SRR2015764 0.26734295 0.030219795 0.085638140 1
## SRR2015765 0.36962387 0.023340017 0.098064980 1
## SRR2015766 0.49006394 0.009342668 0.027105605 1
## SRR2015767 0.92414635 0.003342916 0.014891294 0
## SRR2015768 0.14150392 0.027774414 0.221660550 1
## SRR2015769 0.06490280 0.013515749 0.469778800 0
## SRR2015770 0.13575529 0.053383440 0.242648880 1
## SRR2015771 0.08042159 0.014797695 0.066757050 1
## SRR2015772 0.28224513 0.027936058 0.151116830 1
## SRR2015773 0.28070268 0.027079059 0.151851400 1
## SRR2015774 0.32968953 0.016822303 0.075991124 1
## SRR2015775 0.05050916 0.015687004 0.221147060 1
## SRR2015776 0.84765500 0.006430063 0.045360412 1
## SRR2015777 0.23869560 0.022149460 0.092948250 0
## SRR2015778 0.38740265 0.025090247 0.137907800 1
## SRR2015779 0.41206208 0.017405247 0.181964400 0
## SRR2015780 0.44396806 0.020981798 0.146051270 0
## SRR2015781 0.61711430 0.015734850 0.096575655 0
## SRR2015782 0.23840897 0.020226637 0.259401050 1
## SRR2015783 0.15392125 0.022921873 0.072803326 1
## SRR2015784 0.30641827 0.027279107 0.154555720 1
## SRR2015785 0.28371197 0.022451410 0.271809600 1
## Disease_GroupPDD
## SRR2015713 0
## SRR2015714 0
## SRR2015715 0
## SRR2015716 0
## SRR2015717 0
## SRR2015718 0
## SRR2015719 0
## SRR2015720 0
## SRR2015721 0
## SRR2015722 0
## SRR2015723 0
## SRR2015724 0
## SRR2015725 0
## SRR2015726 0
## SRR2015727 0
## SRR2015728 0
## SRR2015729 0
## SRR2015730 0
## SRR2015731 0
## SRR2015732 0
## SRR2015733 0
## SRR2015734 0
## SRR2015735 0
## SRR2015736 0
## SRR2015737 0
## SRR2015738 0
## SRR2015739 0
## SRR2015740 0
## SRR2015741 0
## SRR2015742 0
## SRR2015743 0
## SRR2015744 0
## SRR2015745 0
## SRR2015747 0
## SRR2015748 0
## SRR2015749 0
## SRR2015750 0
## SRR2015751 0
## SRR2015752 0
## SRR2015753 0
## SRR2015754 0
## SRR2015755 0
## SRR2015756 0
## SRR2015757 1
## SRR2015758 1
## SRR2015759 0
## SRR2015760 1
## SRR2015761 0
## SRR2015762 1
## SRR2015763 1
## SRR2015764 0
## SRR2015765 0
## SRR2015766 0
## SRR2015767 1
## SRR2015768 0
## SRR2015769 1
## SRR2015770 0
## SRR2015771 0
## SRR2015772 0
## SRR2015773 0
## SRR2015774 0
## SRR2015775 0
## SRR2015776 0
## SRR2015777 1
## SRR2015778 0
## SRR2015779 1
## SRR2015780 1
## SRR2015781 1
## SRR2015782 0
## SRR2015783 0
## SRR2015784 0
## SRR2015785 0
## attr(,"assign")
## [1] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11
## attr(,"contrasts")
## attr(,"contrasts")$Disease_Group
## [1] "contr.treatment"
design_treatment <- design[,c("(Intercept)", "Disease_GroupPD", "Disease_GroupPDD")]
design_batch <- design[,covar_colnames] %>%
# standardise covariates
assay(vsd_covar_ct) <- limma::removeBatchEffect(assay(vsd_covar_ct), design = design_treatment, covariates = design_batch)
sampleDists <- vsd_covar_ct %>%
assay() %>%
t() %>% # Transpose transformed count matrix, such that samples now rows.
dist(method = "euclidean") # Compute distances between rows of the matrix i.e. sample-to-sample distance
sampleDistMatrix <- sampleDists %>%
as.matrix() # Convert to matrix
rownames(sampleDistMatrix) <- str_c(vsd_covar_ct$Disease_Group, ", ", vsd_covar_ct$Source)
colnames(sampleDistMatrix) <- NULL
pheatmap <- pheatmap(sampleDistMatrix,
col= viridis(n = 20),
main = "Heatmap: corrected by AoD, PMI, RIN, and cell-type proportions")
pca_vsd_covar_ct <- prcomp(t(assay(vsd_covar_ct)))
ggarrange(pcascree(pca_vsd_covar, type = "pev") + theme_rhr,
pcascree(pca_vsd_covar, type = "cev") + theme_rhr,
nrow = 2,
labels = c("a", "b"))
Figure 4.1: Plot of (a) the proportion of variance explained by each PC and (b) the cumulative proportion of variance explained with the addition of each PC.
PC_corr <-
correlatePCs(pcaobj = pca_vsd_covar_ct,
coldata = colData(vsd_covar_ct) %>% %>%
pcs = 1:72)
# Replace p-values = 0, with low-pvalue
PC_corr_FDR_covar_ct <- PC_corr$pvalue %>%
as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate(PC = str_c("PC_", c(1:72))) %>%
tidyr::gather(key = covariate, value = p, -PC) %>%
dplyr::mutate(p = case_when(p == 0 ~ 1*10^-12,
TRUE ~ p),
FDR = p.adjust(p, method = "fdr"))
PC_corr_FDR_covar_ct %>%
dplyr::inner_join(PC_corr$statistic %>%
as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate(PC = str_c("PC_", c(1:72))) %>%
tidyr::gather(key = covariate, value = test_statistic, -PC)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(FDR) %>%
DT::datatable(rownames = FALSE,
options = list(scrollX = TRUE),
class = 'white-space: nowrap')
PC_corr_FDR_mat <- PC_corr_FDR_covar_ct %>%
dplyr::select(-p) %>%
tidyr::spread(key = covariate, value = FDR) %>%
dplyr::mutate(PC_number = str_replace(PC, "PC_", "") %>%
as.numeric()) %>%
dplyr::arrange(PC_number) %>%
dplyr::select(-PC_number, -PC) %>%
PC_corr_FDR_mat <- PC_corr_FDR_mat[, match(colnames(PC_corr$statistic), colnames(PC_corr_FDR_mat))]
rownames(PC_corr_FDR_mat) <- PC_corr_FDR_covar_ct %>% .[["PC"]] %>% unique()
heatmap.2(x = -log10(PC_corr_FDR_mat)[1:40,] %>% t(),
Colv = NA,
Rowv = NA,
dendrogram = "none",
col = viridis(n = 50),
trace = "none", = "none",
key = TRUE,
key.xlab = "-log10(FDR-corrected p-value)",
cexRow = 0.65, cexCol = 0.65)
Figure 4.2: Heatmap of significance of (cor)relations between PCA scores (from vst-transformed data corrected by AoD, RIN, and cell-type proportions) and sample covariates. Significance computed using Kruskal-Wallis for categorical variables and the cor.test based on Spearman's correlation for continuous variables. P-values were FDR-corrected.
Given that we have corrected our own data using PC axes, worth seeing how well that would work for this dataset.
and use these to correct our vst-transformed data, as opposed to using covariates.# Extract coordinates of individuals on principle components 1-4
PC_axes <- pca_vsd$x[, str_c("PC", 1:4)] %>% %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "recount_id")
# Include PC axes in filter_dds colData & design
filter_dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = assay(filter_dds),
colData = colData(filter_dds) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
design = ~ PC1 + PC2 + PC3 + PC4 + Disease_Group
vsd_PCs <- vst(filter_dds,
blind = FALSE)
# Batch correcting and filtering vsd data
design <- model.matrix(design(filter_dds), data = colData(filter_dds))
## (Intercept) PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4
## SRR2015713 1 -9.9606932 -33.8188613 -14.2830142 -17.0275765
## SRR2015714 1 84.4257298 21.9375544 -21.8144451 -25.2722675
## SRR2015715 1 -32.2848777 -15.6287023 -26.7508252 -3.9450243
## SRR2015716 1 -23.7546842 -4.6171358 -33.0568136 15.8098543
## SRR2015717 1 -20.1509379 13.9029931 -25.5831468 -19.9194467
## SRR2015718 1 -5.8642078 -9.9645544 -27.8780578 15.4365415
## SRR2015719 1 158.2771857 121.6088989 -6.1790406 -22.1971244
## SRR2015720 1 -8.6015290 -18.6554964 -7.1498246 -28.9671311
## SRR2015721 1 -7.7685229 1.5541157 -32.6489148 2.3263840
## SRR2015722 1 10.7608678 62.5091434 -26.5851516 -18.8312106
## SRR2015723 1 -8.6844364 -17.7287064 -29.6711252 23.9279335
## SRR2015724 1 -15.1204185 -18.0922139 -15.2593758 -4.7457894
## SRR2015725 1 -72.0433240 5.4265567 -30.6307851 -9.8765262
## SRR2015726 1 -26.6502342 -10.7046899 -20.0011549 17.4226125
## SRR2015727 1 1.9696007 27.1640062 -28.4169344 -2.8090203
## SRR2015728 1 -3.8442714 67.2078656 -89.1905796 4.6894774
## SRR2015729 1 14.5664227 -30.5397042 -25.0626767 41.3297196
## SRR2015730 1 -80.2128595 12.0011808 -31.1681203 -13.6390944
## SRR2015731 1 2.9013811 18.3892080 -16.7710893 -21.9367056
## SRR2015732 1 -45.6822410 -20.1905561 -15.1395331 -12.6345069
## SRR2015733 1 18.8442628 -26.9675707 -1.9132165 -41.5554899
## SRR2015734 1 -40.3670535 -7.1972193 -29.7565245 3.0022787
## SRR2015735 1 -29.3263364 27.8916944 -19.2866243 -17.1654995
## SRR2015736 1 -9.8586615 -12.0692380 -21.1384760 -16.7993628
## SRR2015737 1 30.8161942 -33.0136966 8.7045358 4.0979614
## SRR2015738 1 -40.7847140 22.1200329 59.6757498 -43.5808306
## SRR2015739 1 -62.8831035 36.6406052 3.5711003 24.7677573
## SRR2015740 1 -89.3397345 20.3320554 9.5424638 -3.8849141
## SRR2015741 1 -53.8024494 46.1941081 21.3517523 -5.8963566
## SRR2015742 1 0.1097669 0.9627987 44.5191832 -25.0092659
## SRR2015743 1 -65.9578593 20.6995303 5.2575359 33.6943228
## SRR2015744 1 7.8387740 0.3122915 59.1004877 -12.0876556
## SRR2015745 1 22.0334149 -6.0491942 53.5009755 15.1941235
## SRR2015747 1 -49.3288803 22.8596005 16.9312602 14.8438747
## SRR2015748 1 28.0763338 62.0650539 34.0898348 83.2802039
## SRR2015749 1 -58.1818948 6.9918380 55.1019594 -17.0232896
## SRR2015750 1 7.5151893 -48.7724774 27.9538860 21.8070685
## SRR2015751 1 -20.1483354 -7.4952934 35.4490896 -4.3123868
## SRR2015752 1 -102.1743639 32.8436371 10.7668295 6.3097887
## SRR2015753 1 -59.8847922 19.9498756 16.5264429 46.8846171
## SRR2015754 1 -34.5731657 40.3498188 50.5808752 -25.7664806
## SRR2015755 1 -46.2497149 39.1776481 18.8643980 13.4760646
## SRR2015756 1 -61.0381924 37.8207803 10.6616342 26.6957707
## SRR2015757 1 -17.0213209 -39.1590979 1.2717605 -63.5637099
## SRR2015758 1 32.6125719 -46.8338382 -9.3809608 -12.2795481
## SRR2015759 1 -52.6654424 5.4499031 18.0787596 -5.0201505
## SRR2015760 1 -14.0757910 0.8458461 -20.9442822 -25.1513202
## SRR2015761 1 18.9802277 -8.0984889 -18.0958232 -10.1046362
## SRR2015762 1 59.5822193 -21.4101177 -2.9945977 -44.7097526
## SRR2015763 1 -36.2996775 -8.0981456 -27.4389520 -21.9496849
## SRR2015764 1 23.4590596 -40.1350158 0.1388361 -25.0359933
## SRR2015765 1 23.5282192 -12.4176220 -16.8314980 4.5509168
## SRR2015766 1 10.8390727 6.4487980 -24.7871226 -19.1784641
## SRR2015767 1 161.0463169 66.6644246 -11.6232292 6.0181336
## SRR2015768 1 49.1141212 -44.7755134 -13.4621647 26.7977897
## SRR2015769 1 20.7694340 -49.3807156 -20.8767591 54.9757423
## SRR2015770 1 43.2143346 -56.8262078 -13.8287993 9.9180525
## SRR2015771 1 -37.3769015 -18.8664212 -29.0856681 -2.4759278
## SRR2015772 1 37.9363188 -33.9686192 -17.9098461 -1.8006934
## SRR2015773 1 32.0111242 -30.3848660 -12.1016634 0.8716096
## SRR2015774 1 18.6105069 -20.4691676 -17.7970223 -8.2777788
## SRR2015775 1 10.0086735 -48.5707188 -23.6730887 37.3172578
## SRR2015776 1 156.1441777 39.2647139 -11.1646477 1.9144869
## SRR2015777 1 -0.9240225 -15.9204065 41.3615408 -6.3554656
## SRR2015778 1 1.9657094 8.2890862 49.3373048 0.9928173
## SRR2015779 1 77.2467514 -37.8007414 59.6734343 -14.6302100
## SRR2015780 1 42.1574419 -1.0145537 26.0190382 22.4497777
## SRR2015781 1 60.6579931 -9.1927059 51.1147098 -23.7621953
## SRR2015782 1 20.9324647 -31.4755485 41.2646497 25.4841303
## SRR2015783 1 -56.7532607 12.9590261 14.7408416 7.8874669
## SRR2015784 1 52.9311824 -27.7524125 35.6542302 18.9114549
## SRR2015785 1 57.7558609 -4.7784550 6.5264756 66.0924960
## Disease_GroupPD Disease_GroupPDD
## SRR2015713 0 0
## SRR2015714 0 0
## SRR2015715 0 0
## SRR2015716 0 0
## SRR2015717 0 0
## SRR2015718 0 0
## SRR2015719 0 0
## SRR2015720 0 0
## SRR2015721 0 0
## SRR2015722 0 0
## SRR2015723 0 0
## SRR2015724 0 0
## SRR2015725 0 0
## SRR2015726 0 0
## SRR2015727 0 0
## SRR2015728 0 0
## SRR2015729 0 0
## SRR2015730 0 0
## SRR2015731 0 0
## SRR2015732 0 0
## SRR2015733 0 0
## SRR2015734 0 0
## SRR2015735 0 0
## SRR2015736 0 0
## SRR2015737 0 0
## SRR2015738 0 0
## SRR2015739 0 0
## SRR2015740 0 0
## SRR2015741 0 0
## SRR2015742 0 0
## SRR2015743 0 0
## SRR2015744 0 0
## SRR2015745 0 0
## SRR2015747 0 0
## SRR2015748 0 0
## SRR2015749 0 0
## SRR2015750 0 0
## SRR2015751 0 0
## SRR2015752 0 0
## SRR2015753 0 0
## SRR2015754 0 0
## SRR2015755 0 0
## SRR2015756 0 0
## SRR2015757 0 1
## SRR2015758 0 1
## SRR2015759 1 0
## SRR2015760 0 1
## SRR2015761 1 0
## SRR2015762 0 1
## SRR2015763 0 1
## SRR2015764 1 0
## SRR2015765 1 0
## SRR2015766 1 0
## SRR2015767 0 1
## SRR2015768 1 0
## SRR2015769 0 1
## SRR2015770 1 0
## SRR2015771 1 0
## SRR2015772 1 0
## SRR2015773 1 0
## SRR2015774 1 0
## SRR2015775 1 0
## SRR2015776 1 0
## SRR2015777 0 1
## SRR2015778 1 0
## SRR2015779 0 1
## SRR2015780 0 1
## SRR2015781 0 1
## SRR2015782 1 0
## SRR2015783 1 0
## SRR2015784 1 0
## SRR2015785 1 0
## attr(,"assign")
## [1] 0 1 2 3 4 5 5
## attr(,"contrasts")
## attr(,"contrasts")$Disease_Group
## [1] "contr.treatment"
# Split into treatment and batch effects
design_treatment <- design[,c("(Intercept)", "Disease_GroupPD", "Disease_GroupPDD")]
design_batch <-
design[,str_c("PC", 1:4)] %>%
# standardise covariates
# Correction with limma
assay(vsd_PCs) <- limma::removeBatchEffect(assay(vsd_PCs), design = design_treatment, covariates = design_batch)
sampleDists <- vsd_PCs %>%
assay() %>%
t() %>% # Transpose transformed count matrix, such that samples now rows.
dist(method = "euclidean") # Compute distances between rows of the matrix i.e. sample-to-sample distance
sampleDistMatrix <- sampleDists %>%
as.matrix() # Convert to matrix
rownames(sampleDistMatrix) <- str_c(vsd_PCs$Disease_Group, ", ", vsd_PCs$Source)
colnames(sampleDistMatrix) <- NULL
pheatmap <- pheatmap(sampleDistMatrix,
col= viridis(n = 20),
main = "Heatmap: corrected by PC axes 1-4")
pca_vsd_PCs <- prcomp(t(assay(vsd_PCs)))
ggarrange(pcascree(pca_vsd_PCs, type = "pev") + theme_rhr,
pcascree(pca_vsd_PCs, type = "cev") + theme_rhr,
nrow = 2,
labels = c("a", "b"))
Figure 5.1: Plot of (a) the proportion of variance explained by each PC and (b) the cumulative proportion of variance explained with the addition of each PC.
PC_corr_PCs <- correlatePCs(pcaobj = pca_vsd_PCs,
coldata = colData(vsd_PCs) %>% %>%
dplyr::select(Disease_Group, Age_at_death, PMI, RIN, Braak_score,mapped_read_count, contains("_proportion")),
pcs = 1:72)
PC_corr_FDR_PCs <- PC_corr_PCs$pvalue %>%
as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate(PC = str_c("PC_", c(1:72))) %>%
tidyr::gather(key = covariate, value = p, -PC) %>%
dplyr::mutate(FDR = p.adjust(p, method = "fdr"))
PC_corr_FDR_PCs %>%
dplyr::inner_join(PC_corr_PCs$statistic %>%
as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate(PC = str_c("PC_", c(1:72))) %>%
tidyr::gather(key = covariate, value = test_statistic, -PC)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(FDR) %>%
DT::datatable(rownames = FALSE,
options = list(scrollX = TRUE),
class = 'white-space: nowrap')
PC_corr_FDR_mat <- PC_corr_FDR_PCs %>%
dplyr::select(-p) %>%
tidyr::spread(key = covariate, value = FDR) %>%
dplyr::mutate(PC_number = str_replace(PC, "PC_", "") %>%
as.numeric()) %>%
dplyr::arrange(PC_number) %>%
dplyr::select(-PC_number, -PC) %>%
PC_corr_FDR_mat <- PC_corr_FDR_mat[, match(colnames(PC_corr_PCs$statistic), colnames(PC_corr_FDR_mat))]
rownames(PC_corr_FDR_mat) <- PC_corr_FDR_PCs %>% .[["PC"]] %>% unique()
heatmap.2(x = -log10(PC_corr_FDR_mat)[1:40,] %>% t(),
Colv = NA,
Rowv = NA,
dendrogram = "none",
col = viridis(n = 50),
trace = "none", = "none",
key = TRUE,
key.xlab = "-log10(FDR-corrected p-value)",
cexRow = 0.65, cexCol = 0.65)
Figure 5.2: Heatmap of significance of (cor)relations between PCA scores (from vst-transformed data corrected by PC axes 1-4) and sample covariates. Significance computed using Kruskal-Wallis for categorical variables and the cor.test based on Spearman's correlation for continuous variables. P-values were FDR-corrected.
list_vsd <- list(pca_vsd, pca_vsd_covar, pca_vsd_covar_ct, pca_vsd_PCs)
plot_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = 4)
titles <- c("Uncorrected", "Corrected by AoD, PMI and RIN", "Corrected by AoD, PMI, RIN and cell-type proportions", "Corrected by PC axes 1-4")
for(i in 1:length(list_vsd)){
plot_list[[i]] <- fviz_pca_ind(list_vsd[[i]],
geom.ind = "point", # show points only (nbut not "text")
col.ind = colData(vsd)[,c("Disease_Group")], # color by groups
addEllipses = TRUE, ellipse.type = "confidence", # Confidence ellipses
palette = pal_jco("default", alpha = 0.9)(10)[c(3,9,1,2)],
mean.point = FALSE,
legend.title = "Disease group",
title = titles[i]
) +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-120, 120))
ggarrange(plotlist = plot_list,
labels = c("a", "b", "c", "d"),
nrow = 4)
Figure 6.1: PCA plot of individuals grouped by disease group. Each plot represents data that is (a) uncorrected, (B) corrected by AoD, PMI and RIN, (c) corrected by AoD, PMI, RIN and all cell-type proportions or (d) corrected by PC axes 1-4. Ellipses represent the 95% confidence level. Points and ellipses are coloured by disease group.
## R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /usr/lib/libblas/
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/lapack/
## locale:
## attached base packages:
## [1] parallel stats4 stats graphics grDevices utils datasets
## [8] methods base
## other attached packages:
## [1] vsn_3.54.0 viridis_0.5.1
## [3] viridisLite_0.3.0 readxl_1.3.1
## [5] pcaExplorer_2.12.0 forcats_0.5.1
## [7] stringr_1.4.0 dplyr_1.0.2
## [9] purrr_0.3.4 readr_1.4.0
## [11] tidyr_1.1.1 tibble_3.0.3
## [13] tidyverse_1.3.0 pheatmap_1.0.12
## [15] ggsci_2.9 ggpubr_0.4.0
## [17] ggrepel_0.8.2 gplots_3.0.4
## [19] factoextra_1.0.7 ggplot2_3.3.2
## [21] DT_0.15 devtools_2.3.2
## [23] usethis_1.6.3 DESeq2_1.26.0
## [25] SummarizedExperiment_1.16.1 DelayedArray_0.12.3
## [27] BiocParallel_1.20.1 matrixStats_0.56.0
## [29] Biobase_2.46.0 GenomicRanges_1.38.0
## [31] GenomeInfoDb_1.22.1 IRanges_2.20.2
## [33] S4Vectors_0.24.4 BiocGenerics_0.32.0
## [35] DEGreport_1.22.0
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] rappdirs_0.3.1 SparseM_1.78
## [3] AnnotationForge_1.28.0 pkgmaker_0.31.1
## [5] bit64_4.0.2 knitr_1.29
## [7] data.table_1.13.0 rpart_4.1-15
## [9] RCurl_1.98-1.2 doParallel_1.0.15
## [11] generics_0.0.2 preprocessCore_1.48.0
## [13] callr_3.5.1 cowplot_1.0.0
## [15] RSQLite_2.2.0 bit_4.0.4
## [17] xml2_1.3.2 lubridate_1.7.9
## [19] httpuv_1.5.4 assertthat_0.2.1
## [21] xfun_0.16 hms_1.0.0
## [23] evaluate_0.14 promises_1.1.1
## [25] progress_1.2.2 caTools_1.18.0
## [27] dbplyr_1.4.4 Rgraphviz_2.30.0
## [29] igraph_1.2.5 DBI_1.1.1
## [31] geneplotter_1.64.0 tmvnsim_1.0-2
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## [41] biomaRt_2.42.1 vctrs_0.3.2
## [43] here_1.0.0 remotes_2.2.0
## [45] Cairo_1.5-12.2 abind_1.4-5
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## [53] cluster_2.1.0 crayon_1.4.1
## [55] genefilter_1.68.0 labeling_0.4.2
## [57] edgeR_3.28.1 pkgconfig_2.0.3
## [59] nlme_3.1-141 pkgload_1.1.0
## [61] nnet_7.3-12 rlang_0.4.7
## [63] lifecycle_0.2.0 registry_0.5-1
## [65] affyio_1.56.0 BiocFileCache_1.10.2
## [67] GOstats_2.52.0 modelr_0.1.8
## [69] cellranger_1.1.0 rprojroot_2.0.2
## [71] rngtools_1.5 graph_1.64.0
## [73] Matrix_1.2-17 carData_3.0-4
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## [87] shinyAce_0.4.1 jpeg_0.1-8.1
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## [103] clue_0.3-57 affy_1.64.0
## [105] cli_2.2.0.9000 XVector_0.26.0
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## [121] tools_3.6.1 rio_0.5.16
## [123] circlize_0.4.10 rstudioapi_0.13
## [125] foreach_1.5.0 foreign_0.8-72
## [127] logging_0.10-108 gridExtra_2.3
## [129] farver_2.0.3 BiocManager_1.30.10
## [131] digest_0.6.27 shiny_1.5.0
## [133] Rcpp_1.0.5 car_3.0-9
## [135] broom_0.7.0 later_1.1.0.1
## [137] httr_1.4.2 Nozzle.R1_1.1-1
## [139] ggdendro_0.1.21 AnnotationDbi_1.48.0
## [141] ComplexHeatmap_2.7.7 psych_2.0.7
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## [145] XML_3.99-0.3 fs_1.5.0
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## [151] xtable_1.8-4 jsonlite_1.7.1
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## [155] Hmisc_4.4-1 pillar_1.4.6
## [157] htmltools_0.5.1.1 mime_0.9
## [159] NMF_0.23.0 glue_1.4.2
## [161] fastmap_1.0.1 codetools_0.2-16
## [163] pkgbuild_1.1.0 lattice_0.20-38
## [165] curl_4.3 gtools_3.8.2
## [167] zip_2.1.0 GO.db_3.10.0
## [169] openxlsx_4.2.3 openssl_1.4.2
## [171] survival_3.2-7 limma_3.42.2
## [173] rmarkdown_2.5 desc_1.2.0
## [175] munsell_0.5.0 GetoptLong_1.0.2
## [177] GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.2 iterators_1.0.12
## [179] reshape2_1.4.4 haven_2.3.1
## [181] gtable_0.3.0