1 Aim

  • Formatting GWAS for use with LDSC. This is necessary for all PD GWASs as SNPs are provided in the CHR:BP format, with no RS ids, thus need to liftover to hg38 and assign RS ids (which LDSC uses in the munge_stats.py script).
  • GWAS to be used:

2 Formatting PD GWAS

  • Ran via nohup script using code below.
# Script location: here::here("misc_scripts", "Formatting_PDGWAS.R")
PD <- fread("/data/LDScore/GWAS/PD2019_meta5_ex23andMe/nallsEtAl2019_excluding23andMe_allVariants.tab.gz")

hg38 <- PD %>% 
  tidyr::separate(col = SNP, into = c("CHR", "BP"), sep = ":") %>% 
  LDSCforRyten::liftover_hg19_to_hg38(., path_to_chain = "/data/liftover/hg19/hg19ToHg38.over.chain") %>% 
  LDSCforRyten::add_RS_to_GWAS(., dbsnp_151)

fwrite(hg38, "/data/LDScore/GWAS/PD2019_meta5_ex23andMe/PD2019_ex23andMe_hg38.txt", sep = "\t")

# Created GRCh37 version, too (not included in script)
hg19 <- PD %>% 
  tidyr::separate(col = SNP, into = c("CHR", "BP"), sep = ":") %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(BP = as.integer(BP)) %>% 
  LDSCforRyten::add_RS_to_GWAS(., dbsnp_144)

fwrite(hg19, "/data/LDScore/GWAS/PD2019_meta5_ex23andMe/PD2019_ex23andMe_hg19.txt", sep = "\t")

3 Formatting PD AOO GWAS

  • Ran via nohup script using code below.
# Script location: here::here("misc_scripts", "Formatting_PDGWAS.R")
PD_AOO <- fread("/data/LDScore/GWAS/PD2018_AOO/sorted_AAO_april3_18_final_discovery.txt.gz")

hg38 <- PD_AOO %>% 
  dplyr::rename(SNP = MarkerName) %>% 
  tidyr::separate(col = SNP, into = c("CHR", "BP"), sep = ":") %>% 
  LDSCforRyten::liftover_hg19_to_hg38(., path_to_chain = "/data/liftover/hg19/hg19ToHg38.over.chain") %>% 
  LDSCforRyten::add_RS_to_GWAS(., dbsnp_151)

fwrite(hg38, "/data/LDScore/GWAS/PD2018_AOO/PD2018_AOO_hg38.txt", sep = "\t")

4 Formatting PD progression GWAS

  • Phenotypes to use:
    • Cognitive impairment - would expect to see cognitive impairment with dementia
    • Dyskinesias
    • Depression
    • Motor fluctuations - this could potentially be a form of negative, which allows separation between motor and cognitive progression
  • All of above are binomial traits wherein 2 types of analysis performed:
    1. Odds ratio at baseline -- this was corrected for years from diagnosis, so despite only being a baseline measurement (beta not included, only intercept tested) then could still be form of marker for progression
    2. Hazard ratio in follow-ups -- hazard ratios differ from odds ratios in that ORs are cumulative over an entire study, using a defined endpoint, while HRs represent instantaneous risk over the study time period, thus HR might be considered more of a measure of progression than baseline
  • Formatting required:
    • Effect and reference alleles contained in different file to summary stats, therefore need to merge reference with summary stats.
    • Reference file is build GRCh37, therefore liftover required.
    • Script below run via nohup using code below.
# Script location: here::here("misc_scripts", "Formatting_PDprogressionGWAS.R")

format_PD_progression <- function(path_to_GWAS, ref_file_path, path_to_chain){
  dbsnp <- SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP151.GRCh38

  ref <- fread(ref_file_path)
  GWAS_df <- data.frame(paths = list.files(path = path_to_GWAS, pattern = ".txt.gz", full.names = T),
                        base_or_surival = list.files(path = path_to_GWAS, pattern = ".txt.gz", full.names = F) %>% 
                          str_replace("_.*", ""),
                        phenotype = list.files(path = path_to_GWAS, pattern = ".txt.gz", full.names = F) %>% 
                          str_replace(".txt.gz", "") %>% 
                          str_replace(".*_", "")
                        ) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(!phenotype == "reference")
  for(i in 1:nrow(GWAS_df)){
    print(str_c("Formatting: ", GWAS_df$base_or_surival[i], "_", GWAS_df$phenotype[i]))
    GWAS <- fread(GWAS_df$paths[i] %>%

    GWAS <- GWAS %>%
      dplyr::inner_join(ref %>%
                          dplyr::select(SNP, CHR, START, REF, ALT, MAF)) %>%
      dplyr::rename(BP = START,
                    A1 = ALT,
                    A2 = REF) %>%
      dplyr::select(CHR, BP, A1, A2, MAF, BETA, SE, P, N, NSTUDY)
    hg38 <- LDSCforRyten::liftover_hg19_to_hg38(GWAS, path_to_chain) %>% 
      LDSCforRyten::add_RS_to_GWAS(., dbSNPref = dbsnp) %>% 
      dplyr::select(SNP, everything())

    fwrite(hg38, file = str_c("/data/LDScore/GWAS/PD2019_Progression/",
                              GWAS_df$base_or_surival[i], "_",
                              GWAS_df$phenotype[i], "_hg38.txt"),
           sep = "\t")

format_PD_progression(path_to_GWAS = "/data/LDScore/GWAS/PD2019_Progression/",
                      ref_file_path = "/data/LDScore/GWAS/PD2019_Progression/reference.txt.gz",
                      path_to_chain = "/data/liftover/hg19/hg19ToHg38.over.chain")

5 Formatting LBD GWAS

LBD <- fread("/data/LDScore/GWAS/LBD2020/LBD2020.txt")

LBD_hg38 <- LBD %>% 
  dplyr::select(CHR = CHROM, BP = POS, A1, A2, P, MAF = A1_FREQ, Z_STAT, BETA, SE, N = OBS_CT) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(CHR = as.factor(CHR)) %>% 
  LDSCforRyten::add_RS_to_GWAS(., dbsnp_151)

fwrite(LBD_hg38, "/data/LDScore/GWAS/LBD2020/LBD2020_rsids.txt.gz", sep = "\t")