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Code for the paper: Local genetic correlations exist among neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases


No. Title Description
00 GWAS pre-processing Format GWASs for use with LAVA and LDSC
01 Preparing inputs for LAVA with GWAS traits Prepare inputs required to run LAVA with GWAS traits i.e. loci and sample overlaps
02 LAVA with GWAS traits Run univariate and bivariate tests with GWAS traits
03 LAVA partial correlations/multiple regression Follow-up analysis on univariate/bivariate analysis of GWAS traits using partial correlations and multiple regression
04 LAVA with eQTL and GWAS traits Run univariate and bivariate analyses using eQTL and GWAS traits
05 LAVA using AD/PD GWASs without by-proxy cases Determine the impact of excluding by-proxy cases on AD-LBD and LBD-PD local rg
99 Manuscript figures Generate figures for manuscript